Dynamo Health

Smart Goals

Why wait to reinvent yourself? Why not start that moment when that gleam of light pops into
your eye? Motivation is a feeling – it is not something you will have day-in and day-out so
don’t wait for it to “pop” into your life. Take action and realize you are in control of you.

Use your voice, claim what you want by saying it aloud. Tell others of what you intend to do,
what your goal(s) is/are and use each day to the fullest to get there.

No single person has great days all the time. The key is to decide what you want and then
make a plan to go get it. Goal steps and obtainment can be a little different to us all, but when
we are serious about an endeavor it can be beneficial to see the whole picture or to take the
time to write it out.

The most common system of goal setting is the S.M.A.R.T. method.
S = Specific = make sure you clearly define your goal.
M = Measurable = make it something determinable (pant size for
A = Achievable = make sure it is something real that you can do.
R = Realistic = start simple and have clear expectations.
T = Time-Bound = set a timeframe for you to do this.

There is no one way to go about achieving success! Plus, success can be different to each of
us. Success to you may be playing with your kids without becoming winded or being able to
ride the roller coaster you’ve always wanted but were too large for the safety belts. It could be wearing a bikini or not having a beer gut. The point is, take the time to visualize what success means and looks like to you.

Just be careful and watch out – don’t just snip a pic of someone you see in a magazine or on
social and say this is my goal. Doing this can be potentially harmful and ultimately
unrealistic – you are 2 completely different people and that cannot be understated so please
don’t set yourself up for failure this way. The people you see in magazines and on social did
not just wake up today looking like that. They’ve put in years, time, effort, and energy into
their self-improvement (plus photoshop cannot be forgotten). Be mindful, be honest, make
sure the goal is yours, as ownership is essential. Learn during your experience so you don’t
revert back to unhealthy habits. Pay attention to what works and what doesn’t work for you,
your life, your body, et cetera, as these are keys to both progress and long-term sustainability.


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Dynamo Health