Beginner Basics to Training
Have you ever driven to or walked into the gym still trying to decide what you are going to lift for the day? Should I do full body, bro split, just legs, just upper, et cetera? Do you frequently just “wing it?”
Structuring your exercise program is beneficial to your goals because it will allow you to get there in a more linear fashion. Just like preparing for vacation, kid’s new school year, your budget – the more prepared you are, the higher the likelihood of success and commitment. Plus, having a plan usually reduces tension, confusion, and frustration.
Let me share with you my beginning experience with lifting. Early in my lifting career, I only knew what I had learned academically. I knew I wanted to lift weights as my primary exercise (replacing cardio) because I was complacent and tired of not seeing results despite my hard efforts. I have almost always been nutritionally intelligent, as in making food choice a priority, but when it came to my physique I wanted more. I did some research and spoke with a couple people I knew that lifted consistently and built myself a program.
I focused on compound movements that were known to best build strength and size then made sure to have some accessory lifts for the smaller muscle groups I needed to work. I did the muscle group pairing as such, chest/triceps, back/biceps, legs, shoulders/arms (again). I personally do not believe, “booty is the new biceps” and I’ve always wanted to have a well-proportioned physique. Also, it was important to me to work on improving upper body strength (where females naturally are weakest). My friends called my concoction, “a good old-fashioned bro split” . I decided I was going to run this program for 12 weeks (adjusting exercises, sets, reps, and such as needed along the way). I lifted Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays (instead of a common beginner workout of 3 full body workouts a week), taking Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays completely off.
I also made sure to be present in my lifts, and I must say this took some time to fully learn and develop. You hear people call it the “mind-muscle connection.” At first I hated lifting while looking into the mirror, then one day I caught a glimpse of myself while doing barbell bicep curls and realized I was using my body a little in the movement and I knew this was incorrect. Since that moment, I make sure to check myself in the mirror or on my phone’s camera to form-critique myself. While not every rep of every set will ever be completely perfect, it is helpful to monitor yourself here and there. I just want to make sure I am not compensating and potentially “junk-repping” myself. Also, this is where having a coach or someone more experienced than yourself can help a lot – you can make videos and send for form-checks!
Learn more about quality and junk reps here:
Additionally, it is important to keep track of your exercises – whether you are training or just exercising. You need to be able to mark progress, see when you plateau or even to monitor how an exercise feels for you (is it effective or are you not working the targeted muscles for example). It doesn’t need to be anything fancy. You could use a chart like the one below or even a simple composition notebook. In today’s times there are even cell phone apps or the note section of your phone that can be used as well. Any physical activity you do is important. When I say there is a difference between exercising and training I simply mean the intention behind the activity per se. No one is better or worse than the other! It is very common for people to start out as “just exercising” and evolve into someone who trains (working diligently and consistently towards a specific outcome or goal, typically strength or physique-based); you never know you may become one of us!
Lastly, please remember, not everyone who lifts weights is about stepping onto a competition stage. For many, it is just to have a fit physique they desire, be comfortable in their own skin, feel sexy or confident in their clothes, or simply just look good naked. Whatever the reason behind it – make sure you have a plan and track your progress. If you need help or guidance, just click the coaching link below and let’s start building a healthier and better version of you!
Need help or want to learn more about working with us to achieve your goals? Click the coaching application below and let’s begin changing your life!
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